Hacking AOL by: IHA - International Hackers Association URL: http://www.freeyellow.com/members2/hyperviper/hack.htm disclamer This page is for information only. I will not be held accountable for what you do with the information below. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Tossing - The best way to toss is this way. First the person you are tossing must be online while you are tossing. AOL checks to see if the person was on while the event occured. Next send an instant message to yourself replacing the screen name with the person's name you are punting. You must type the name exactly how it looks. Screen Name: Due to technical problems with your aol sign on i will need your password for verification. Then you must send the message to yourself. You must copy everything you typed. Next, go to keyword Guide Pager. and click the password. Then paste the text and send it. The Lamer will be tossed when the sign off. IM§ Blank IM : put (a reh) but replace ( ) with < > in the mesage portion of the IM this will send a totaly blank IM with only ur name at the top and anything else that is said by you or the other person will not come up only hear an IM sound (really freaks out newbies hehe) Manual IM bomb : have an open IM with the person already then type what u want to say (keep it short) then copy it then hold the ctrl key down and hit v then enter rapidly Manual Punter: This is very time consuming and dosen't always work. to do this open several blank instant messages ( like 10 or so) and on each one put the persons name and then put in about 3 or 4 lines of (h1) Replace ( ) with < > and copy it and paste it to each IM then once each im has the persons name on it and has the string in it pres ctrl enter rapidly. and depending on the persons computer and what version of aol they're using it may boot them or just freez them up for a minute or so. either way it is a good nusence tool Strikethrough IM : to make ur IMs strike through like this simply put in the command (s) replacing ( ) with < > and to stop it put (/s) replacing ( ) with < > Make one letter appear at a time : this is really kewl and can really mess with people. Simply put (/html) replacing ( ) with < > 4 times between each letter. your best bet would bet to type it once copy it then paste it 3 more times then copy all 4 then just hit ctrl v between each letter it goes faster that way. Turn IMs Off : In the TO: space put $IM_OFF and put anything u want in the message area. and hit send Turn IMs ON : In the TO: space put $IM_ON and put anything u want in the message portion and hit send ¥E-mail Tricks¥ Blind Carbon Copy : A blind carbon copy or BCC is used so that when u email a large group of people no one will know the names of the other people u sent to. simply put each persons name in ( ) example (name1) , (name2) , (name3) Manual E-mail bomb : Set your preferences so that mail does NOT close or confim after sent put in the person's name a subject and something in the message area then just hit ctrl enter over and over quickly Mailbomb Fix : Mailbombs are easy to get rid of. Simply click on the first one then press and hold shift and click on the last one then click delete and they r all gone. If you have mail that u want to keep mixed in with the mailbombs you can do that same procedere in steps or press ctrl and click each one individualy then click delete Completely blank Email : Put in the person's name then in the subject area press the spacebar and alt 0160 then in the message area do the same this will send an email with no message or subject E-mail Punt : this is an evil little trick. open a mail put in the person's name and whatever u want in the subject. Then FILL the ENTIRE Email with (h1)(h1)(h1)(h1)(FONT COLOR="999999" SIZE=#999) Replace all ( ) with < > I have tested this with people with puters up to 200mhz processors and people with aol95 and it has worked every time >=) (note: these were willing victims that volunteered to let me do it) Make letters appear one at a time : This is fun to do people think their puter is messing up Simply put (/html) replacing ( ) with < > 4 times between each letter. your best bet would bet to type it once copy it then paste it 3 more times then copy all 4 then just hit ctrl v between each letter it goes faster that way. Other Tricks¥ Ghost on AOL: You MUST be signed off. Goto mail and hit setup flashsessions. pick the name u want to sign on under and put in a fake PW (NEVER store your pasword cause thats how most PWstealer programs get it) then activate flashsession and just as it begins to dial hit cancel then quickly sign on as u normally would. then once ur on block all members buddy lists and IM yourself. If it says ur not signed on when you IM yourself then it worked if not then try it again. Stop Ghosting: To stop being a ghost sign off close AOL. reopen AOL and sign on as normal. Extend your Profile: To make your own categories or questions on your profile start by opening notepad or wordpad or even wordprocessor. In there hit the tab key once then copy it. now close the application and goto edit your profile. Answer AOL's question (keep all your answers short) then directly after that paste 3 tabs (they will look like squares) then ask your own question (Example: How Tall:) then paste one tab then answer your question. just continue this till there is no more room on that line then go on to the next line. birthday and marital status don't leave enough room to do this though. Manual Room Buster: This works just as good and even better then some programs. first goto the Go to file at the top and click. then click Edit goto menu. then on the right side or address side put aol://2719:2-2-name (replace "name" with the name of the room) that is for private rooms only. For lobbies put: aol://2719:21-2-Lobby%20LN replace LN with the lobby number you want. For any other town square room put aol://2719:21-2- first word of name%20 second word%20 and so on like that for example best lil chathouse: aol://2719:21-2-Best%20Lil%20Chathouse For Arts and entertainment rooms use : aol://2719:22-2-word%20 and so on. The only diff between catigories it the 3rd number in the url as u go down the list the number gets bigger by 1 Keyword Punt: Ok this keyword will cause a fault or loop in the puter of the person that goes there. To be sneaky about it open your favorite places click on add place then just copy and paste this address: aol://4344:1227.w9_begin.9378140.530657693 and put whatever name u want on it. Then send it to the lamas Secret Keywords: Some of these may not be that secret and others may not work oh and some might say you don't have access or you're not cool enough to come in or some shit like that so don't Email me asking how to get in cause i don't know aol://4401:8592:569386 aol://4401:8592:1119723 aol://4401:8592:544088 1. aol://4344:1186.Gateway.3685343.498065448 2. aol://4344:1186.guide.3682978.488405094 3. aol://4344:1186.ConfRms.3685342.498065107 4. aol://4344:1186.ResLib.3685341.498053484 5. aol://4344:666.arcform.860809.504463074= normal 6. aol://4344:1186.comcen.3683158.490570698 7. aol://4344:1.rmc.70682.473023645 = normal 8. aol://4344:1.formscat.71914.474386750 = normal 9. aol://4344:223.pnp.91463.482279948 10. aol://4344:223.specacct.89721.481584812 11. aol://4344:409.secrets.6553845.498835541= normal 12 aol://4344:204.z66proj2.1845884.505890733 13. aol://4344:20.oh1te.92384.497065962 14. aol://4344:20.tlaapp1.125506.492637725 15. aol://4344:223.cnn.89754.481594657 16. aol://4344:223.demo.89755.481594657 17. aol://4344:223.aprilpr.96692.512240264 18. aol://4344:223.promocd.6558384.500850050 19. aol://4344:223.canad2.6602532.512279521 20. aol://4344:223.markting.6558102.500754022 21. aol://4344:223.helpdocs.84876.494254534 22. aol://1722:testview 23. aol://1391:40-31999 24. aol://4344:559.newslet.4129994.494194276 25. aol://4344:204.rslists.67146.468717561 26. aol://4344:204.cdinf.79776.495161900 27. aol://4344:1.vis_pubw.72126.491927210 28. aol://2719:3-524 29. aol://2719:3-602 30. aol://2719:3-599 31. aol://2719:3-600 32. aol://4344:226.llIl.2755674.520114429 Access Code 3675 33. aol://4344:754.entspot.6684982.499022815 34. aol://4344:613.shower.3475360.491812517 35. aol://4344:613.sand.3475361.491812962 36. aol://5863:126/mB:51014 37. aol://1722:beta%20apply 38. aol://4344:1165.stafflng.3349013.515879444 39. aol://4344:3209.polstaff.21626914.534349882 40. aol://4344:204.cdinf.79776.49516190 41. aol://4344:204.ipdoc.74075.476233292 42. aol://4344:1048.fashion.8388627.508088192 44. aol://4344:204.a37area.6616266.517541277 45. aol://4344:204.vlalab$$.68347.469068066 46. aol://4344:204.jenwork.69624.471895412 47. aol://4344:683.vlasrch.6164889.505527591 48. aol://4344:204.vlapage.6567454.503558406 49. aol://4344:117.mtv.591130.467237228 50. aol://4344:2210.macform.23199797.540743492 51. aol://4344:3009.onlnsrcs.18678101.529909492 52. aol://4344:758.cos_dl2.22951994.546198914 53. aol://4344:3170.authen.21561356.533495576 54. aol://4344:1170.rmu3.3423059.507601273 55. aol://4344:553.gk0323.4129389.543592682 56. aol://4344:20.kevpage2.116156.490726118 57. aol://4344:1059.pcpro.8388618.508028668 58. aol://4344:203.games.67460.468273450 59. aol://4344:1525.netmag.11534341.513702853 60. aol://4344:206.internet.68415.469309924 61. aol://4344:116.dccomics.394605.467236322 62. aol://4344:408.jgroot.786992.468356404 63. aol://4344:313.nea.851977.468795803 64. aol://4344:204.w63hsrt1.1857559.496528972 65. aol://4344:1165.barney.3353269.522706580 66. aol://4344:3041.toparc.19267637.529783772 67. aol://4344:311.mts.917507.470092035 68. aol://4344:334.npr.1179659.470536158 69. aol://4344:412.softdisk.851979.468792729 70. aol://4344:309.tomorrow.662781.468278554 71. aol://4344:333.weather.1114125.470093361 72. aol://4344:204.cd5area.10748604.523950009 73. aol://4344:204.cd7area.10748612.523950010 74. aol://4344:1210.newmain.8344433.527435142 75. aol://4344:20.gools.8344851.527566036 76. aol://4344:203.ann117.8344425.548995850 77. aol://4401:16124:717837 78. aol://4344:2296.vpd7016.24052788.553014216 79. aol://4344:2296.vpd7032.24052789.553014349 80. aol://4344:203.block697.8355629.549644812 81. aol://4344:20.ahhotpg.8355375.529862657 82. aol://4344:20.RAhot.8355379.529862926 83. aol://4401:16121:1008992 84. aol://4344:220.hadria.8355763.529968676 85. aol://4344:20.pooptime.8355815.530646106 86. aol://4344:2500.status_6.25690500.553611819 87. aol://4344:1192.secret64.9382390.552331867 88. aol://4344:207.wingplay.8339936.525492469 89. aol://4344:1087.navbar.8505088.517972198 90. aol://4344:20.Pand0003.8344894.539703967 91. aol://4344:908.aolbrit.7995397.501990487 92. aol://4344:1274.software.10027041.510784887 93. aol://4344:431.jeffrmp.1341673.541403113 94. aol://4344:432.jo_ics.1310740.470876687 95. aol://4344:432.danny.1310763.470873243 96. aol://4344:434.home.1310774.471131871 97. aol://4344:718.vir.6225939.495658996 98. aol://4344:20.hocport.100130.501513293 99. aol://4344:20.alexw.123358.495561939 100.aol://4344:20.terry.65632.464218517 101.aol://4344:20.jlm.70353.472402977 102.aol://4344:710.bob.2424855.478406082 103.aol://4344:409.IStrain.3276802.525803131 104.aol://4401:13820:316636 105.aol://4344:472.komando.2097153.475613568 By: IHA - International Hackers Association